Our team utilizes an underwater treadmill as a proven and effective therapy to assist your pet in returning to their normal strength quickly and safely. The underwater treadmill uses warm water to soothe and ease pain and discomfort.
What to Expect
- Every patient begins with a Comprehensive Initial Examination with one of our Veterinarians, where they will assess your pet’s current condition and create a treatment plan with one of our rehab technicians.
- During your first hydrotherapy session, one of our rehab technicians will evaluate and determine the speed, water level and duration of future sessions.
- Hydrotherapy treatments are typically 30 minutes in length (shorter at the beginning, longer later in treatment)
- Pet parents are encouraged to wait at the front reception area and request a video of how their pet is doing.
- At the completion of the session we will towel dry off your loved one and they are ready to go home.
Features Include:
- Therapeutic Massage with Integrated Resistance Jets
These resistance jets come with various levels of water pressure and offer the option to configure in multiple directions.
- Variable Speed Motor
- Oasis ‘PRO’ – goes from speeds of 0.25 mph (.40 km/h) to 9 mph (14.48 km/h)
- Very critical feature as this allows the pet patient to have gradual improvements.
- Speed changes are tailored to each individualized treatment.
- The advanced speed of 9mph(14.48 km/h) enhances sports performance.
- Varying Water Depths
- Helps to provide more support when needed
- Increases/decreases resistance with your pet’s changing needs
- Adjusts to the height of your pet
- Ensures individualized therapy
How does it Work?
Water has a natural property called ‘buoyancy’. Buoyancy helps to alleviate the weight and stress on the joints, making it easier to walk and gain muscle without the extra pain and stressors that it may cause. Hydrotherapy uses this property of water to its maximum potential and provides a low-impact, soothing workout to pet patients.
What is Hydrotherapy?
Hydrotherapy is defined as ‘the use of water to achieve therapeutic benefit and relaxation’.
Hydrotherapy is used to Aid in the Treatment of the following:
- Arthritis
- Overweight and Obesity
- Neurological Conditions
- Lameness
- Osteoarthritis
- Cranial Cruciate Ligament Injuries
- Elbow Dysplasia
- Disc Disease
- Orthopedic Procedures